Estilo & Cultura

Primeira decoração de Natal de Trump na Casa Branca é comparada a cenário de filme de terror

28/11/2017 21:41

Detalhe da decoração de Natal da ala leste da Casa Branca. Fotos: AFP/Saul Loeb | AFP

A decoração de Natal da Casa Branca só será inaugurada na quinta-feira (30), mas já teve suas primeiras imagens divulgadas. A primeira impressão dos norte-americanos sobre o primeiro Natal de Donald Trump não foi boa. Algumas fotos têm um tom sombrio e assustador, o que levou o site Gizmodo a dar à decoração o título de “Coisa mais estranha do ano: superando até mesmo as bizarrices do ‘mundo invertido’ da série de Stranger Things”.
Christmas decorations are seen hanging in the window of the Green Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas decorations are seen hanging in the window of the Green Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
A proposta é homenagear todas as decorações natalinas que passaram pela casa ao longo de 200 anos da tradição na mansão presidencial. “Como em muitas famílias em todo o país, as tradições das festas de fim de ano são muito importantes para nós. Espero que, este ano,  ao visitar a “Casa do Povo”, os visitantes tenham a sensação de estar em suas casa para as festas de fim de ano” , declarou a primeira dama Melania Trump, que diz estar planejando as decorações desde julho e ainda postou em seu Twitter um vídeo com o tour completo pelas salas decoradas.
Entre os objetos valorizados, estão um utensílio de mesa de Ronald Reagan e um livro de canções de Natal de Franklin Roosevelt.
A copy of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," belonging to former US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the Library of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
A copy of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," belonging to former US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the Library of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Os doces natalinos também receberam homenagem, com diversas balas, doces e biscoitos, e uma réplica da Casa Branca feita com 136 quilos de gingerbread.
A display of candy as part of Christmas decorations are seen in the Red Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
A display of candy as part of Christmas decorations are seen in the Red Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
The White House Gingerbread House is seen in the State Dining Room during a preview of Christmas and holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
The White House Gingerbread House is seen in the State Dining Room during a preview of Christmas and holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB

Veja mais fotos da nova decoração de Natal da Casa Branca

US First Lady Melania Trump walks through the Grand Foyer as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump walks through the Grand Foyer as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas trees are seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the Grand Foyer of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas trees are seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the Grand Foyer of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas decorations are seen in the Green Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas decorations are seen in the Green Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump speaks with children as they make holiday decorations in the Green Room as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump speaks with children as they make holiday decorations in the Green Room as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas trees are seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas trees are seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas trees are seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the Grand Foyer of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas trees are seen during a preview of holiday decorations in the Grand Foyer of the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump makes Christmas decorations with children in the State Dining Room as she tours holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump makes Christmas decorations with children in the State Dining Room as she tours holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump walks through Christmas decorations in the East Wing as she tours holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, on November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump walks through Christmas decorations in the East Wing as she tours holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, on November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump watches a ballet performance in the Cross Hall as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump watches a ballet performance in the Cross Hall as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
The White House Christmas Tree is seen in the Blue Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
The White House Christmas Tree is seen in the Blue Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas decorations are seen in the State Dining Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Christmas decorations are seen in the State Dining Room during a preview of holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB